About Us
Bay Islands Tourism Bureau (BITB) - Canturh Roatan, is a registered non-profit in Honduras. BITB is comprised of individual and business members throughout the Islands of Roatan, Guanaja and Utila. BITB is led by a dedicated Board of Directors that meet at least monthly to discuss the organization's goals and actions to promote the Bay Islands. Membership in BITB/CANATURH allows individuals and businesses to be represented as a cohesive group in order to accomplish the Vision and Mission/Purpose of the organization. BITB have a seat on the Zolitur Board and work closely with the Roatan Municipality to assist in the coordination of tourism projects.
Our Vision is promote Bay Islands as the preferred tourist destination of the Caribbean.
Our mission is be the leading tourism organization representing business for the Bay Islands.
Promote sustainable tourism and private investment.
Support community programs.
Encourage the preservation of the Bay Islands’ natural beauty.
Bay Islands Tourism Bureau